We are registered to accept: all Government Funded children; 2 year old funded children; Tax Free Childcare; Childcare Voucher schemes.

About Us

We are situated in between Royal Leamington Spa and Warwick on the main road that leads to and from both towns.

We are registered for 50 children to attend the setting during our morning sessions and 32 children during our afternoon sessions.

Our pre-school has been established for over 50 years in this very location. We began as Coten End Playgroup, where mum's came along and volunteered their time so that local children could come and socialise with their peers. As Early Years Education developed so did we. We have a team of highly qualified and dedicated staff working to give your children the best start in life as possible.

The aim of our pre-school is to ensure that all children enjoy a balanced, fun and broad curriculum whilst they are with us. We believe all children learn best during play.

Each individual child's needs and interests are paramount to us and our mission is to help and support them through these early stages of education and development.

We understand that children are individuals and take this into consideration when planning activities.

We provide a friendly, safe, fun and stimulating environment where children are given the opportunity and encouraged to make friends with their peers and staff and to build on these relationships throughout their time at the setting.

We encourage children to treat others with courtesy, respect and consideration, whilst embracing their own self-confidence, self worth and self-esteem.

We help the children to learn that all people, regardless of faith, religion or cultural background have opinions and ideas that should be respected.

Children are encouraged to listen to instructions and to follow the guidelines set by pre-school to make the environment enjoyable for all – this is done with positive adult support.

Staff embrace the fact that children will ask questions and encourage them to ask why, how and when. With the help of books and the internet we will endeavor to find the answer if we personally don’t know.

We believe working alongside parents/carers is the best way to share and contribute to a child's well-being and development. Parents are encouraged to contribute to their child's online journal with photographs and comments.