We are registered to accept: all Government Funded children; 2 year old funded children; Tax Free Childcare; Childcare Voucher schemes.

Typical Day

Our typical day

On a weekly basis we plan activities around the children and the sessions are run to what the children want to do (within limits!) so our daily routine can vary.  The routine can also change depending on the weather – for instance if it started snowing we would take the children out to experience the change in weather regardless of what was due to take place indoors. A lot of learning can be done through natures offerings.  During the summer we do spend more time outdoors – the outdoor area has many areas in which the children can continue their learning, from our vegetable patch to our large graphics and painting boards. 

We open for Early Wrap around care at 8.15am.

This session is ideal for children whose parents need childcare before our morning session begins. There is a small charge for this service.

All children arrive at the setting for our 8.45am start.

Caterpillars on arrival will go into their room and play for a short while. When all the children have arrived they will then go into our outdoor area.

Butterflies will firstly take part in a short circle time, where they will sing our welcome song, learn what is on offer to them during the morning session - talk about the date, day and month of the year – discuss any special celebrations that are taking place and then they will go and play.

From here on for the morning session, Caterpillars and Butterflies will take turns to spend time in the outdoor area. Unfortunately our outdoor area is not large enough to have all children out at the same time. This also allows our older children the freedom to run fast, if they wish, in a safe environment.

Throughout the morning various other activities will take place – painting – messy play – drawing – small world – construction – role play – water play – playdough – singing/dancing – story time.

Snack is available to all children from 9am – 10am as a rolling snack system

Both groups have what we call ‘self service snack’.  Snack is ready for them to pour their own drink and get their own piece of fruit and biscuit.  Staff are available for those that need a little help.  Occasionally the children will enjoy a hot snack – that they have helped to cook during the morning.  We always take the dietary needs of every individual child into account when we are cooking.  

The morning session finishes at 11.45am

We now offer parents/guardians a choice of providing their child with a packed lunch or pay to have a hot meal provided.We can give you suggestions for lunches when you start at the setting, there is also info on lunch ideas here. We are only allowed to store cold lunches on site, so please do not bring in warm food for us to store. 

The children that go home after lunch will be collected at 12.45pm

All the same areas of learning will be available in the afternoon to both age groups and the outdoor area will be shared again.

Afternoon snack is served at approximately 2.15pm.
Our afternoon session finishes at 3.15pm.  We stay open until 3.45pm for Late Wrap around care.

As mentioned previously we have no strict routine apart from snack and lunch times, but the children will be kept busy and engaged in the activities available throughout the morning and afternoon.