Now taking bookings for April 2024 onwards. We are ready to welcome you to the setting.

Attendance Policy

Policy statement

It is our aim to give every child the best start in education. To do this we aim to encourage children to attend regularly and punctually.

Our attendance officer is Hazel Jones


It is Coten End Pre-schools belief that children learn best by consistent care. Attendance plays an important part in this. A child needs to attend regularly to gain a full understanding to what is being taught.

We understand that good attendance, sets good boundaries for the future.

Attendance registers will be kept


Coten End Pre-school understands that on occasions children may be too ill to attend. On these occasions it is the parents/carers responsibility, to contact the setting directly by telephone, before the session begins, so the absence can be registered as authorized. Parents are asked not to pass messages through other parents or through members of staff when they are not at the setting.

Unauthorized absences

The preschool must be notified of absences and the reason for the absence on the first day of absence and then updated regularly throughout the absence. The preschool reserves the right to give the place to another child after 4 weeks of no contact theparent/carer,without giving notice.A letter to parents will be sent as record that this has taken place.

If a child’s attendance is below 80% in any term, parents will be contacted and advised of this low attendance.

If a child is receiving a free nursery place, all attendance may be checked by the local authority and parents may be charged for absences if they are unauthorized or deemed to be an unacceptable reason for absence. 

Changes to this policy and procedure.

We keep this policy and procedure under regular review.

Version Author Date Description
Original Hazel Jones March 2017 Document Created
Reviewed Hazel Jones January 2018  
Reviewed Hazel Jones April 2019  
Reviewed Hazel Jones July 2020