We are registered to accept: all Government Funded children; 2 year old funded children; Tax Free Childcare; Childcare Voucher schemes.

Caterpillars 2-3 year olds

Throughout the week there is plenty of messy play, painting and fun activities to enjoy. We do ask that children wear clothes and outdoor coats that are easily washable; we do have aprons available but we do not stop a child from joining in just because they are not wearing an apron.

We believe it is important for children to express themselves and let their imaginations grow in these areas of learning and not to be restricted by plastic aprons. We do not insist that children are potty trained before starting pre-school. We will work with parents/carers and children to achieve this stage of their development.

Whilst in Caterpillars children will enjoy a free flow timetable that will include: outdoor /indoor play, structured play/free flow play, messy play, singing/story time and snack. There is no set timetable in this area of pre-school, due to the age of the children.

Snack time can vary depending on the needs of the children, lunch time, however, is at 11.45am. ,Our staff members based in this room are Heather, Kayleigh and Sinead. All are very experienced working with this age group and enjoy offering lots of fun and messy activities for the children to enjoy.

We believe that at this age we are building the confidence and self worth of the child, it is a huge step for the children to be left by their parents and take the first steps in learning to be in a group of children and having to learn the social skills required, such as sharing toys and taking turns.We have potties available for children who prefer to use a potty than a toilet and a changing table for nappy changing. 

We ask parents to provide nappies and baby wipes.